About Us
Manipal Foundation was set up in 2002 in Manipal
Manipal Foundation is the social and the philanthropic arm of the Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG). Dr. T.M.A Pai, the founder and guiding force behind MEMG, steered his energies to provide education and healthcare, two critical areas of human development, so that they empower people and improve their way of life. This legacy has been carried forward by his son and grandson, Dr Ramdas M. Pai, Chairman Emeritus, MEMG and Dr. Ranjan R Pai, Chairman, MEMG. The Foundation has adopted this ethos of empowering people and focuses its initiatives in the five areas of Education, Healthcare, Women Empowerment, Livelihood & Vocational Skills and Environment and Civic Initiatives.
The Foundation presently operates from Bangalore
We are committed to empowering our society, through a focussed approach that will drive our initiatives
Our initiatives are executed through partnerships that are built on mutual respect, shared passion, clarity of purpose, ethical practices and sustained commitment